physical device

美 [ˈfɪzɪkl dɪˈvaɪs]英 [ˈfɪzɪkl dɪˈvaɪs]
  • 网络物理设备;物理装置;实际设备;实体装置
physical devicephysical device
  1. Each network interface has a physical device definition , such as


  2. And how flexible in adding a new physical device to the existing system .


  3. Development of Real Time Physical Device Driver


  4. The subsystem that persists the file data to a physical device .


  5. After experimental tests the self simulation principle was used to develop the numerical simulation method to physical device .


  6. Then , at least one logical interface will be linked to this physical device , such as


  7. The access to a specific device is handled by traditional physical device driver associated with it .


  8. Add device request denied . A physical device named ' % s ' already exists .


  9. Device means a physical device used with Electronic Equipment to access Your Account , for example an Access Card .


  10. Management – Many hosts can leverage storage on one physical device that can be centrally managed .


  11. You 'll also allocate physical device / dev / sdb to this volume group .


  12. Likewise , it is possible to run several instances of the server on the same physical device .


  13. Below the buffer cache are the device drivers , which implement the interface for the particular physical device .


  14. The first level consists of the performance object , which is a unit that can model a physical device or abstract component in a system .


  15. Then logic node zero , logical node physical device and other logic nodes are modeled for the two logic devices .


  16. Multipoint conferences require a physical device called a Multipoint Control Unit ( MCU ) or " bridge " .


  17. It is largely irrelevant whether that is another physical device , a removable storage solution , or another machine altogether .


  18. To connect to a physical device or launch an emulator image , select a platform , then choose a device below .


  19. An access to a raw device avoids the cache , resulting in direct read and write operations on the physical device .


  20. The operator can assign a physical device to a logical device name through this command , as describe in the second chapter .


  21. This allows the requests to be cached there for faster access ( rather than going back out to the physical device ) .


  22. In the field of network resource management , directory service integrates fragmented basic data such as user information and physical device information to an authoritative data set .


  23. When the cluster service on the forming node starts , it first tries to bring online the physical device designated as quorum disk .


  24. For efficiency , Linux maintains a cache of the requests to avoid having to go back out to the physical device for all requests .


  25. Quantum sensor is a kind of physical device which is designed according to quantum mechanics law and quantum effect to implement the transformation of measured quantities of systems .


  26. The default target device used in the following walkthroughs is the emulator , so you can complete the walkthroughs without a physical device .


  27. Even though it is simple and it supports any physical device storage type , data migration / replication across systems and host instances synchronization across organization is not possible .


  28. In host-based virtualization , the software layer above the physical device driver layer processes the I / O requests and redirects the requests to the specific physical device .


  29. It is not required that you have a physical device ; all of the code in this article will run fine on the Android emulator that comes with the SDK .


  30. Problems such as how to notify multiple subscribers of physical device events , managed-data update events , and other telephony-related events were solved by applying this pattern .
